Já falámos, neste blog, sobre o G8 e a questão do ambiente.
As notícias que me chegaram sobre as negociações, aceites pelo G8 para um novo tratado sobre o ambiente, ainda este ano, são animadoras.
Aqui está a cópia do último comunicado deste grupo de ambientalistas, Avaaz, que, através da Internet, já conseguiu dinamizar a maior petição da história em defesa do ambiente. Vocês também se podem juntar assinando a petição.
Neste comunicado, podem tomar conhecimento que vai haver, em 7 de Julho, um concerto global chamado Live Earth - com o qual se pretende chegar a 2 bilhões de pessoas, um terço da população mundial - e que Al Gore se vai juntar a este grupo para organizar eventos Live Earth em todo o mundo. Podem também conhecer as etapas de luta deste grupo ambientalista junto dos políticos mais influentes do planeta e as vitórias já conseguidas.
Dear friend,
It's working. The G8 agreed to start global negotiations for a new climate change treaty this year. And by taking action together, we-- the hundreds of thousands of people around the world who created the biggest global climate petition in history-- helped make it happen. These global decisions are influenced by a thousand factors, but we know-- from meetings and conversations with key G8 figures-- that our voices were heard. Now the real work begins: making sure that the treaty is strong enough to matter. We have some spectacular plans in store. First up: on July 7, a global concert called Live Earth, focused on the climate crisis, will reach an estimated two billion people--a third of the world's population. And Al Gore, a key Live Earth organizer, wants to use this moment to propel the movement to a new level--by joining with Avaaz to organize Live Earth events around the world. Watch for an email next week with more details on how host an event. (Know someone who might be interested? Remind them to sign the climate petition at http://www.avaaz.org/en/climate_summit and we'll let them know about the Live Earth parties.) We knew stopping a climate catastrophe wouldn't be easy. We didn't know if progress was even possible. But look how far we've come already:
In February, we ran TV ads on three continents, and brought 100,000 climate signatures to a meeting of the G8 environment ministers. The chair waved our petition in the air, and vowed to make climate change the G8's top priority. Soon after, G8 President Angela Merkel followed through on the promise.
In the weeks before the G8 summit, as Germany lobbied other governments to support a strong climate deal, President Bush tried to block an agreement entirely. Avaaz members burst into action, pushing the petition to 375,000 signatures in ten days. We brought the petition to Germany's top G8 negotiator, chair of the talks, with a simple message: stand firm. He promised he would.
During the summit, we talked to top officials in the US, UK, France, and Brazil. We marched peacefully in Germany with banners in eight languages. And finally, last week, the news broke: the G8 had agreed to a UN-led, global process to reach a new climate change agreement.We didn't get everything we wanted from the summit--no binding emissions targets. But this is a turning point. Governments are finally starting to listen to their people. It's a part of the larger movement that Avaaz is helping to create-- on issues from Iraq to poverty to human rights-- to ensure that global decision-makers cannot ignore global public opinion. It's a movement made possible only by the internet, by a sense that our world stands or falls as one, and a shared belief that, together, we can create change.
In the weeks before the G8 summit, as Germany lobbied other governments to support a strong climate deal, President Bush tried to block an agreement entirely. Avaaz members burst into action, pushing the petition to 375,000 signatures in ten days. We brought the petition to Germany's top G8 negotiator, chair of the talks, with a simple message: stand firm. He promised he would.
During the summit, we talked to top officials in the US, UK, France, and Brazil. We marched peacefully in Germany with banners in eight languages. And finally, last week, the news broke: the G8 had agreed to a UN-led, global process to reach a new climate change agreement.We didn't get everything we wanted from the summit--no binding emissions targets. But this is a turning point. Governments are finally starting to listen to their people. It's a part of the larger movement that Avaaz is helping to create-- on issues from Iraq to poverty to human rights-- to ensure that global decision-makers cannot ignore global public opinion. It's a movement made possible only by the internet, by a sense that our world stands or falls as one, and a shared belief that, together, we can create change.
Now, we turn to the future. The word is spreading. Live Earth is approaching. We'll contact everyone who has signed the climate change petition about hosting a Live Earth event-- so if you know someone who might want to get involved, ask them to sign it now: http://www.avaaz.org/en/climate_summit Meanwhile, mark your calendar: 7/7/07 will be the next step to save planet earth. With hope, Ben, Paul, Galit, Graziela, Iain, Hannah and the whole Avaaz team PS: For the full story, check out our Blog
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